Techniques to pass the written…

The College examiners want you to pass the Second Part Exam. To help with this, they have created some video resources to shed some light on what is expected from you in the SAQs.

The first few videos are teaching workshops, hosted by the Queensland ICU training pathway, aimed at demystifying the CICM written exam and supporting trainees in their exam preparation. The videos offer guidance about how to get the best out of the glossary and discuss technical tips to successfully answer SAQs. They use de-identified trainee answers which are critiqued with reference to the glossary.

This initiative is a collaboration between tbe Queensland, NSW and Victorian ICU training pathways, CICM and key senior educators in other states and New Zealand.

All answers are de-identified and all trainees and presenters have given informed consent. Parties involved in  these workshops are interested in supporting and collaborating in the spirit of positive improvement.

The last five videos shed further light on the expectations for different types of SAQ, again using de-identified answers. These videos allow for you to benchmark your own performance.

Watch the beginning of each video, consider answering the question (under exam conditions) and then watch the rest of the video to see what constitutes a good answer. If you don’t fancy answering the question, just watch the video anyway – the SSCICM team thinks you will get a lot out of the time invested!

We would be really grateful if you could complete a short survey giving some feedback about these videos. If they are popular – more will be made!

To complete the survey – follow this link or use the QR code below:


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